Animating Opening Sequence - Anna

To begin our opening sequence, I am creating an animation that will then go onto a green screen that is on a phone screen. In order to do this, I have had to use trial and error to work on the animations. During this lesson, I have used Premiere Elements in order to develop this and below are screenshots that show how I have used trail and error to improve my work.

I started by selecting an image off Google Images. I then screenshotted it and it was cropped to the size I wanted. 

Then I used Premiere Elements to animate graduates hats onto the photo. 

I learnt how to use applied effects in order to make the hats move and rotate. 

By the end of the lesson, I am clear on what is going to happen next. I want 'Student Talk' to come up on the screen in large text. I am positive that the progress that I'm going to make in the next few lessons will be significant as I now have a clear approach to my work.