Next filming day: Potential location Middlesex University: Isobel

As explained previously, on the location profile Middlesex University is a potential avenue which we are looking into to. We will hopefully be able to interview crucial members of the student support team along with asking them to input solutions to combat certain mental health issues like the growing pressure of University. Hopefully, this added input of solutions being added,will create a more optimistic and appealing news package offering help rather than internalising the issue further for the students. In terms of the schedule, we are hoping to be able to film this footage if all goes well with the University in the next week or the next best time the university can do.

Middlesex would be an extremely beneficial location as:

A) The location is a University, which offers the obvious location of a university with experts in the specific focus topic and a range of students to which our target audience is tailored to.

B) Filming here will allow filler shots, like those outlined on the Charlie Brooker, mockery news sequence, which will directly relate to our relevant topic.